How To Make Passive Income: How I Make $139.72/Day Starting With NO MONEY!

Here’s another great video from Jason Wardrop on the topic of passive income. There’s no better feeling than waking up in the morning to find you made money while you were asleep!

Pixie Dust and The Mountain of Mediocrity

Just a very quick post today so I can share with you this brilliant post I cam across recently. It’s from a few years ago but still 100% relevant today! If you have a vague, uneasy feeling that this whole marketing via social media thing has gotten way out of hand and that we’ve lost … Read more

How to Spice Up Your Testimonials And Boost Your Credibility

There is perhaps nothing so powerful in the sales process as social validation. Testimonials provide the third party proof the prospect needs to gently coax their hearts, minds and wallets open. But as with anything else, the more we use a persuasion technique, the less effective it can become unless we continue to change it … Read more