Tricks to Getting Retweeted

When your tweets get retweeted, a whole new group of followers is exposed to your tweet, and thereby you. The more your tweets are retweeted, the greater number of followers who get to see them. Why is this important? Because the added exposure can mean you get new followers as well as more clicks to … Read more

How to Use Twitter for Marketing

Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool once you discover how to optimize it for your business needs… Don’t focus on number, focus on quality. Rather than seeing how many thousands of people you can follow in the hopes they will follow you back, focus on finding the highly targeted members who are a good … Read more

6 Tips for Building Your Business With Twitter

Twitter is all about relationships, growing your circle of influence, and yes, RELATIONSHIPS. The better (re: Closer) your relationships on Twitter, the more likely people are to retweet your stuff, visit your Facebook page and websites, join your lists and buy your products. So how do you rapidly grow your Twitter following while wielding influence … Read more

6 Tips for Writing Great Content

You already know how important content is for communicating your message, getting traffic and making sales. But you might be overlooking a few things that makes your content truly great… Write for your readers, NOT for the search engines. Sometimes we get so caught up in optimizing our content for SEO that we forget we’re … Read more